Generate intial word embedding for headlines and description

The embedding is limited to a fixed vocabulary size (vocab_size) but a vocabulary of all the words that appeared in the data is built.

In [3]:
FN = 'vocabulary-embedding'

In [4]:

In [5]:
vocab_size = 40000

In [6]:
embedding_dim = 100

In [8]:
lower = False # dont lower case the text

read tokenized headlines and descriptions

In [7]:
import cPickle as pickle
FN0 = 'tokens' # this is the name of the data file which I assume you already have
with open('data/%s.pkl'%FN0, 'rb') as fp:
    heads, desc, keywords = pickle.load(fp) # keywords are not used in this project

In [9]:
if lower:
    heads = [h.lower() for h in heads]

In [10]:
if lower:
    desc = [h.lower() for h in desc]

In [11]:

'Remainders : Super wi-fi edition'

In [12]:

"! Google 's free San Fran wi-fi will track your location . Oh , do n't worry , they have some clause about evil , right ? ! Silicon Valley , meanwhile , plans its own wi-fi coverage . It 'll be like San Fran 's , only with fewer homeless trustafarians using it . ! Soon you 'll have wi-fi on the BART . Caveat : After a few days on those seats , your laptop will smell like urine . ! Boy in the Bubble : The sad story"

In [13]:

 'San Francisco']

In [14]:

(684114, 672187)

In [15]:

(684114, 683908)

build vocabulary

In [16]:
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
def get_vocab(lst):
    vocabcount = Counter(w for txt in lst for w in txt.split())
    vocab = map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(vocabcount.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]))
    return vocab, vocabcount

In [17]:
vocab, vocabcount = get_vocab(heads+desc)

most popular tokens

In [18]:
print vocab[:50]
print '...',len(vocab)

[',', '.', 'the', 'a', 'to', 'of', "'s", 'and', 'in', 'The', 'is', 'for', 'that', ':', 'on', "''", '``', 'you', 'it', 'with', '?', 'at', "n't", 'this', "'", '(', 'was', ')', 'has', 'be', 'are', 'from', 'as', '--', 'A', 'an', 'I', 'his', '!', 'have', 'by', 'but', 'It', 'In', 'we', 'your', 'To', 'about', 'he', 'You']
... 523732

In [19]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot([vocabcount[w] for w in vocab]);
plt.gca().set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
plt.gca().set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
plt.title('word distribution in headlines and discription')
plt.ylabel('total appearances');

/Users/udi/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

always nice to see Zipf's law

Index words

In [21]:
empty = 0 # RNN mask of no data
eos = 1  # end of sentence
start_idx = eos+1 # first real word

In [22]:
def get_idx(vocab, vocabcount):
    word2idx = dict((word, idx+start_idx) for idx,word in enumerate(vocab))
    word2idx['<empty>'] = empty
    word2idx['<eos>'] = eos
    idx2word = dict((idx,word) for word,idx in word2idx.iteritems())

    return word2idx, idx2word

In [23]:
word2idx, idx2word = get_idx(vocab, vocabcount)

Word Embedding

read GloVe

In [24]:
fname = 'glove.6B.%dd.txt'%embedding_dim
import os
datadir_base = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.keras'))
if not os.access(datadir_base, os.W_OK):
    datadir_base = os.path.join('/tmp', '.keras')
datadir = os.path.join(datadir_base, 'datasets')
glove_name = os.path.join(datadir, fname)
if not os.path.exists(glove_name):
    path = ''
    path = get_file(path, origin="")
    !unzip {datadir}/{path}

In [25]:
glove_n_symbols = !wc -l {glove_name}
glove_n_symbols = int(glove_n_symbols[0].split()[0])


In [26]:
glove_index_dict = {}
glove_embedding_weights = np.empty((glove_n_symbols, embedding_dim))
with open(glove_name, 'r') as fp:
    i = 0
    for l in fp:
        l = l.strip().split()
        w = l[0]
        glove_index_dict[w] = i
        glove_embedding_weights[i,:] = map(float,l[1:])
        i += 1
glove_embedding_weights *= globale_scale

In [27]:


In [28]:
for w,i in glove_index_dict.iteritems():
    w = w.lower()
    if w not in glove_index_dict:
        glove_index_dict[w] = i

embedding matrix

use GloVe to initialize embedding matrix

In [30]:
import numpy as np

# generate random embedding with same scale as glove
shape = (vocab_size, embedding_dim)
scale = glove_embedding_weights.std()*np.sqrt(12)/2 # uniform and not normal
embedding = np.random.uniform(low=-scale, high=scale, size=shape)
print 'random-embedding/glove scale', scale, 'std', embedding.std()

# copy from glove weights of words that appear in our short vocabulary (idx2word)
c = 0
for i in range(vocab_size):
    w = idx2word[i]
    g = glove_index_dict.get(w, glove_index_dict.get(w.lower()))
    if g is None and w.startswith('#'): # glove has no hastags (I think...)
        w = w[1:]
        g = glove_index_dict.get(w, glove_index_dict.get(w.lower()))
    if g is not None:
        embedding[i,:] = glove_embedding_weights[g,:]
print 'number of tokens, in small vocab, found in glove and copied to embedding', c,c/float(vocab_size)

random-embedding/glove scale 0.0706949139514 std 0.0408138249575
number of tokens, in small vocab, found in glove and copied to embedding 39332 0.9833

lots of word in the full vocabulary (word2idx) are outside vocab_size. Build an alterantive which will map them to their closest match in glove but only if the match is good enough (cos distance above glove_thr)

In [31]:
glove_thr = 0.5

In [34]:
word2glove = {}
for w in word2idx:
    if w in glove_index_dict:
        g = w
    elif w.lower() in glove_index_dict:
        g = w.lower()
    elif w.startswith('#') and w[1:] in glove_index_dict:
        g = w[1:]
    elif w.startswith('#') and w[1:].lower() in glove_index_dict:
        g = w[1:].lower()
    word2glove[w] = g

for every word outside the embedding matrix find the closest word inside the mebedding matrix. Use cos distance of GloVe vectors.

Allow for the last nb_unknown_words words inside the embedding matrix to be considered to be outside. Dont accept distances below glove_thr

In [47]:
normed_embedding = embedding/np.array([np.sqrt(,gweight)) for gweight in embedding])[:,None]

nb_unknown_words = 100

glove_match = []
for w,idx in word2idx.iteritems():
    if idx >= vocab_size-nb_unknown_words and w.isalpha() and w in word2glove:
        gidx = glove_index_dict[word2glove[w]]
        gweight = glove_embedding_weights[gidx,:].copy()
        # find row in embedding that has the highest cos score with gweight
        gweight /= np.sqrt(,gweight))
        score =[:vocab_size-nb_unknown_words], gweight)
        while True:
            embedding_idx = score.argmax()
            s = score[embedding_idx]
            if s < glove_thr:
            if idx2word[embedding_idx] in word2glove :
                glove_match.append((w, embedding_idx, s)) 
            score[embedding_idx] = -1
glove_match.sort(key = lambda x: -x[2])
print '# of glove substitutes found', len(glove_match)

# of glove substitutes found 122377

manually check that the worst substitutions we are going to do are good enough

In [48]:
for orig, sub, score in glove_match[-10:]:
    print score, orig,'=>', idx2word[sub]

0.500009203566 CQ => Deletes
0.500009203566 cq => Deletes
0.500005559501 cheapskate => dude
0.500005559501 Cheapskate => dude
0.500004635765 Stoney => Ridgeway
0.500004635765 stoney => Ridgeway
0.500003799 Maia => Joanna
0.500003553879 Jammy => fruity
0.500003553879 jammy => fruity
0.500003378034 ataxia => OCD

build a lookup table of index of outside words to index of inside words

In [49]:
glove_idx2idx = dict((word2idx[w],embedding_idx) for  w, embedding_idx, _ in glove_match)


In [50]:
Y = [[word2idx[token] for token in headline.split()] for headline in heads]


In [51]:

In [52]:
X = [[word2idx[token] for token in d.split()] for d in desc]


In [53]:

In [54]:
import cPickle as pickle
with open('data/%s.pkl'%FN,'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump((embedding, idx2word, word2idx, glove_idx2idx),fp,-1)

In [4]:
import cPickle as pickle
with open('data/'%FN,'wb') as fp: